Four-year-old Izaiah Peters was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL Leukemia) in 2012 when he was 16 months old.
His mom Angie Peters says they received a call from their doctor during the Easter weekend asking to have additional blood tests for Isaiah and he was then transferred to the Children’s Hospital in Winnipeg to start treatment. Peters notes they administered a daily oral chemotherapy treatment to Isaiah for the past three years until his last treatment in June 2016.
Peters notes there have also been many good days and Izaiah is mostly an energetic child. She says chances of the leukemia recurring is slim, but he will have to continue being monitored until his mid-teens.
“Right now we go once a month for the first year and then after that it’s once every three months until he’s 14 or 15.”
She says cancer treatments and hospital visits has been a regular part of Izaiah’s life.
“When he got his port taken out about a month or so ago, he didn’t want it taken out because that’s all he’s known, is to have a port in his chest. So, he was very sad to have it gone.”
Izaiah was given the honours of dropping the puck at the Steinbach Pistons game Saturday night and during first intermission many cancer survivors gathered on the ice for the Pistons’ annual Pink In The Rink ceremony.
Cancer survivors gather on the ice during the first intermission.