Pistons Fans! Playoff tickets are now available for Game 1 and Game 3 of the 2nd round of the playoffs on our online ticketing portal. Our online ticketing portal provides a fast and convenient way to purchase Pistons ticket from your work/home computer.
Select the seat (reserved seating) or standing (general admission) on the portal, pay with your credit card and then print the ticket off on your printer. Bring the printed paper to our ticket gate on game day and it will be scanned for entry.
If you choose to use your smart phone to purchase your tickets, this option will only allow you to purchase General Admission (standing) tickets.
For those who wish to purchase ticket in person we will have our store open starting at 11 am Friday morning morning up until game time. PLAYOFF PACK holders will be able to pick up their playoff tickets starting at 11 am on Friday as well.
For any further questions about tickets please call the Pistons office at 204-346-1604. Go Pistons Go!