The Steinbach Pistons along with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Impact Team recognized Chris Wolgemuth as the Pistons’ Volunteer of the Month in October.
Wolgemuth has been a part of the team since the team’s arrival in 2009. If Pistons fans pay attention closely on game days, they will have noticed Chris perched in the Centennial arena’s broadcast booth. Wolgemuth has diligently done the team’s online scoring, making sure all the results of the game are updated simultaneously to the MJHL website.
Wolgemuth says he volunteers because it’s an opportunity for him to watch the games. His highlight so far was watching the team win a championship in 2012-2013. The Pistons also want to thank Chris’ wife for allowing him to take a break from being a dad of four on game days.
Volunteers are an important component of any Junior ‘A’ franchise and Chris’ dedication over the years has been a key component on why the team has seen so much success.
There are lots of opportunities to join the Steinbach Pistons volunteer team. The Pistons are always looking for goal judges, security guards, ticket gate attendants, arena PA announcers, scorekeepers and the list goes on. If you want to take your support of the Pistons to the next level email [email protected] for more details.
Picture Above: Pistons Chaplin Mike Kehler presenting Chris Wolgemuth with a prize pack from Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries.