
Sobering Volunteer of the Month

The Steinbach Pistons along with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Impact Team recognized Lorna Sobering as the Pistons’ Volunteer of the Month for October last week.

Sobering came on board as a volunteer at the beginning of last season. And ever since she has been diligently recording the games from her seat in Section D and then posting all of the games highlights onto the team’s Instagram page.

“I love volunteering for the team,” said Sobering. “I’ve followed the Pistons for years and appreciate the quality of entertainment they bring to our city. What started out as my own little hobby has evolved into a way for me to bring positive attention to the Pistons Instagram page.”

The Pistons have seen their Instagram page group from 100 followers to over 800 followers in just over a year and with continued great content from Sobering, there is no doubt more people will take notice.

“Having sons in hockey myself, it has been second nature to hit the record button during their games to watch back later,” she said. “And now, capturing those moments for the Pistons brings me a familiar joy.”

Volunteers are an important component of any Junior ‘A’ franchise and Lorna’s dedication has been a key component on why the team has seen so much success. 

They’re lots of opportunities to join the Steinbach Pistons volunteer team. The Pistons are always looking for goal judges, security guards, ticket gate attendants, arena PA announcers, scorekeepers and the list goes on. If you want to take your support of the Pistons to the next level email [email protected] for more details.