Kids 13 years old or younger are now able to join the brand new Steinbach Pistons Kids Club starting this year.
The first of two Kids Club nights is happening on Saturday, October 28th, and the second on January 7th. You must show your Kids Club membership card to the game, and you get free entry into the game on these nights. These come with huge perks, including free Pistons souvenirs, magnetic game schedules, player cards, a 40% off coupon for Pistons gear from the Pistons store, a free Slushie coupon from 1st Choice Convenience store in Steinbach, and much more! Kids Club Members will also get the chance to have a Meet and Greet with Clutch, the Pistons mascot.
Stonybrook Middle School teacher Don Dewey started the club this year. “By starting a Kids Club, we are able to get more children to the games (this year),” he said. “We offer a special discounted rate to get them to a couple of games, the kids get excited and the parents will come with them as well.”
During regular game nights, show your membership cards and receive a youth game ticket for just $5 upon entry.
Dewey is grateful to partner with the Pistons to make this club happen. “The Pistons are great, and Coach Dyck is supportive of what we’re doing,” Dewey said. “The players have a great reputation of caring and giving back.”
Aiden Crawford, a student at Stonybrook, is excited for the Kids Club, and wants you to join. “I like playing hockey, and I am excited for the Kids Club!”